Sussex Squash
Online League Management System 2021/2022 Season
Section Rules
Mens Section



Frequently Asked Questions

Select a Section

Q. How do I get into the administrators area for my club?
1. Make sure you have the
correct password
Password Reminder
1. Go through the login procedure and click on the 'Forgotten your password? Click here' link.
2. Select your club, enter the security number and click send. A reminder will be sent to the authorised recipient.
for your club/section
2. Click on the 'Enter Administrators Area' from the LMS home page
3. Read the warning message and press 'Continue' if you are authorised to access this area for your club
4. Select your club from the drop-down list
5. Enter your password
6. Click 'Enter'.
Q. Am I logged into the correct System?
It is easy to log into the wrong Section/Season without realising it. You will then not be able to update the system as you wish. Check the text at the top of the admin screen, this will tell you what system (Season and Section) you are in. Normally the current Season will not have a year in the web address.
Q. How do I enter the result of a match
1. Please remember that only the Home Team enters match results
2. Enter the
Administrator's Area
Accessing Admin. Area
1. Make sure you have the correct password for your club/section
2. Click on the 'Enter Administrators Area' from the LMS home page
3. Read the warning message and press 'Continue' if you are authorised to access this area for your club
4. Select your club from the drop-down list
5. Enter your password
6. Click 'Enter'.
for your Club
3. Click on the 'Enter Match Results' button
4. Select your match from the drop-down list and click 'Select'
5. Take note of the guidelines in blue
6. Use the drop-downs to enter the Player Names
7. Enter the match scores in the format shown in the example
8. Click 'Submit'
9. The Player Rankings should then be shown together with the calculated league points, make sure you believe that these are correct
10. Check and resolve any error messages shown (warnings are in blue, errors in red. You will not be able to post the entry while there are red error messages shown)
11. Click the 'Tick here ...' box
12. Click 'Submit'
13. If the entry has been accepted the Player and Score details will be cleared from the screen
14. Check the result from the League Tables
15. Refer to the other FAQ's in this section where necessary
Q. The fixture that I am trying to enter a result for is not on the drop-down list?
1. Click on one of the team names from the home page to make sure a result has not already been entered
2. Check that the fixture was a home match for your club
3. Check the 'Overdue Results List' from the home page. If your club has any entries on that list then they must be cleared before you can enter any further results.
4. Check that you are
logged into the correct system
Am I in the right system?
It is easy to log into the wrong Section/Season without realising it. You will then not be able to update the system as you wish. Check the text at the top of the admin screen, this will tell you what system (Season and Section) you are in. Normally the current Season will not have a year in the web address.
[More Help]
If none of the above help then contact your league organiser via the link on the home page.
Q. How do I enter Unranked Players in a match result?
1. Check that the use of the Unranked Player is within the rules
2. Select 'Unranked 1' or 'Unranked 2' from the Player drop-down for the string as appropriate
3. Enter the Unranked Player's name in the appropriate box at the bottom of the input page
4. After submitting the result, add the Player to your current Rankings (which will be for the month after the match was played) at an approprate position.

The League Organiser will be informed of the result and will add the Player manually to the Ranking List for the period when the match was played and then adjust the result record accordingly if the use of the Player was within the rules.
Q. How do I enter the result for an incompleted String?
1. Select the Player Names as normal and enter the partial result score
2. Add ' H' or ' A' at the end of the score (as shown in the example) to indicate which Team should be awarded the String.
Q. How do I enter the result for an unplayed String?
1. Determine who is at fault and therefore which Team the String should be awarded to
2. Select 'No Show' for the Team at fault and 'Walkover' for the other Team from the appropriate Player drop-downs
3. Enter 'H' or 'A' as the score, nothing else.

The result will be sent to the League Organiser who may contact the Captains for more information and then adjust the league points as appropriate.
Q. A team did not field a side, how do I enter a match walkover?
1. Complete the
Unplayed String
Unplayed String
1. Determine who is at fault and therefore which Team the String should be awarded to
2. Select 'No Show' for the Team at fault and 'Walkover' for the other Team from the appropriate Player drop-downs
3. Enter 'H' or 'A' as the score, nothing else.

The result will be sent to the League Organiser who may contact the Captains for more information and then adjust the league points as appropriate.
procedure for each string
2. Submit the result
Q. I have lost my password or am not sure it is correct?
1. Go through the
login procedure
Accessing Admin. Area
1. Make sure you have the correct password for your club/section
2. Click on the 'Enter Administrators Area' from the LMS home page
3. Read the warning message and press 'Continue' if you are authorised to access this area for your club
4. Select your club from the drop-down list
5. Enter your password
6. Click 'Enter'.
and click on the 'Forgotten your password? Click here' link.
2. Select your club, enter the security number and click send. A reminder will be sent to the authorised recipient.
Q. A player name is not on the drop-down list for the match?
1. Check from the club page that the player is ranked in the period in which the match was played.
Q. A mistake was made when entering the result
Only the League Organiser can correct this. Please contact him via your Fixtures Secretary.
Q. The wrong match was selected from the drop-down when the resulted was entered.
Only the League Organiser can correct this. Please contact him via your Fixtures Secretary.
Q. How do I remove a Player from the Ranking Lists?
In the 'Maintain Rankings List' page, select the Player and then select 'Remove from Rankings' in the 'Rank before' list.
Q. A Player on our Rankings list has left the Club, how do I delete him?
Players cannot actually be deleted as such as we need to maintain their historical playing records to keep the statistics accurate.

Remove the Player from your Rankings List
Unranking Players
In the 'Maintain Rankings List' page, select the Player and then select 'Remove from Rankings' in the 'Rank before' list.

2. Check to see if the Player is in your Current Rankings list, if so you will have to wait until that Ranking Period is over.
3. Go to 'Click here to maintain Ranking lists'
4. At the bottom of the list you will see your Unranked Players
5. Click on 'Remove' against the required Player
6. If you accidentally remove the wrong player or need to Re-activate them just click on the 'Non-active Players' link at the top of the Rankings Page. Then click on the Player Name.
Q. How do I Add or Amend Player Details?
1. 'Click here to add/maintain Player Details'
2. If you want to add a new player then leave 'Add new record' in the drop-down
3. If you want to change the details of an existing Player then select his/her name from the drop-down
4. 'Select Player'
5. Add to or change as necessary the details in the boxes
6. Make sure 'Status' is set correctly
7. 'Add Player' or 'Update Player Details'
8. 'Return to Club Page'
Q. What are the ESR Membership System Error Codes, what do they mean and what do I have to do about them?
It is assumed that you have access, either directly or indirectly, to your Club's ESR Membership System and are familiar with its use. If you do not have this then you need to resolve that with your Club and/or England Squash.

Code 0 - The Player has no ESR Membership System number
Code 3 - The ESR Membership Number has not been found
Code 4 - The Surname provided does not match that on the ESR Membership System
Code 5 - The Player is active and verified - No further action needed
Code 6 - The Player is active but not verified
Code 7 - The Player is active but the membership has expired
Code 8 - The Player is active, the membership has expired and was never activated.

For Codes 0, 3 or 4 you need to Check, Add or Correct the Player's Membership within your Club's ESR Membership Account.
For code 6 you need to request the Player to complete his/her registration.
For codes 7 or 8 your Club needs to renew the Player's membership and then the Player asked to complete the registration if necessary.

No other codes should occur, if they do then
Contact Support
Getting Further Assistance
First try and contact your Fixtures Secretary, if that is not you. Then send an email via the 'Contact Organiser' link on the home page detailing your problem together with any error messages you are receiving.

If neither your Fixtures Secretary or Section Organiser are able to help you or your problem is urgent and they have not got back to you, then forward the email you sent to your Organiser to .
Q. I am not able to solve my problems from these FAQ's. What do I do?
First try and contact your Fixtures Secretary, if that is not you. Then send an email via the 'Contact Organiser' link on the home page detailing your problem together with any error messages you are receiving.

If neither your Fixtures Secretary or Section Organiser are able to help you or your problem is urgent and they have not got back to you, then forward the email you sent to your Organiser to .